One of the Merdeka Campus programs is industrial lecturer internships. The program was attended by Accounting Study Program lecturer Dr. Driana Leniwati., MSA., Ak., CA. CSRS., Dra. Siti Zubaidah, MM., Ak., CA. and Agustin Dwi Haryanti, SE., MM., Ak. The internship was carried out at one of the Indonesian BUMNs, namely PT. Barata Indonesia Gresik.
Lecturers' experience in the world of education is not only obtained through higher education tri dharma activities. However, technical experience can be obtained through work practice or internship at DUDI which has collaborated with universities. Through MBKM, DUDI and universities can work together, one of which is that DUDI provides opportunities for lecturer internships. Through internship activities at DUDI, lecturers can gain experience and apply the theories they have mastered so far and implement them in the corporation where they are interning. Apart from that, activities that are depicted in real terms in corporations can be a source of reference for practical cases and given to students through lectures. So, students can better understand the real conditions of the world of work.
Lecturer Internships with Collaboration Partners aim to provide opportunities for lecturers to implement the science and technology they already have at collaboration partners so that they can help in solving problems at DUDI. Lecturers will also have field experience related to current problems and developments in the world of business and industry which are represented in companies so that this can become additional lecture material.
The hope is that in the future these lecturers and practitioners will continue to collaborate, especially in the CoE SSAC activities belonging to the Accounting study program. This collaboration includes the preparation of a Sustainability Report which can be started from UMM, then the AUUMM Sustainability Report can be developed, Strengthening sustainability in the vision and mission, as well as development pillar indicator metadata from the Bappenas website related to social, economic, environmental, legal and governance.