Holding FGD, FEB UMM Accounting Study Program Discusses Implementation of Agreement with IAI East Java Region

Saturday, June 25, 2022 02:45 WIB   Akuntansi

Saturday, June 25 2022, the UMM Faculty of Economics and Business Accounting Study Program conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This FGD was held in order to discuss the form of collaboration between the FEB UMM Accounting Study Program and the Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI) in the East Java region.

This FGD was attended by the Head of Accounting Study Program, Dr. Driana Leniwati, MSA, Ak., study program 1 secretary Tri Wahyu Oktavendi, SE., MSA., study program 2 secretary Aviani Wdyastuti, SE., MSA., Ak., CA., head of laboratory, head of PPA, and coordinators of the FEB Accounting study program UMM. Meanwhile, from IAI, Prof. Drs. Basuki, M.Com.(Hons.), Ph.D., Ak., CA., CMA., as chairman of the IAI East Java region, IAI Executive Director Sigit Kurnianto, SE, MSA, Ak., CA., SAS., AAP B., ASEAN CPA., as well as several IAI staff in the East Java region.

Tri Wahyu said that this activity aimed to discuss the implementation of the agreement between the two parties which would be implemented in the curriculum and activities outside regular classes. At the same time, it can become a profit center owned by the FEB UMM Accounting study program. Apart from that, in line with the vision and mission of the FEB UMM Accounting study program which is based on scientific vision, it is necessary to increase student knowledge with the Student Added-Value Program (SADDAP) which will be implemented by the Accounting Development Center (PPA), so increasing knowledge is very important so that it can answer the needs of society. and to prepare the best graduates ready to face the world of work.

Prof. Bas, as he is known, also advised that the agreement between the two parties should not only be limited to paper, but must be implemented in reality. Increasing student knowledge with SADDAP programs must be able to support the implementation of UMM PASTI (Definitely Pass, Definitely Work, Definitely Independent). He added that IAI also welcomed this activity. "We are ready to support all the resources needed by the FEB UMM Accounting study program. "For example, for Brevet, we provide presenters who are qualified in their fields, materials that suit the current needs of stakeholders, as well as other facilities needed by study programs to implement this collaboration. We will help support them," he concluded.

This FGD activity took place offline in Accounting Laboratory Room 1 for approximately 3 hours. It is hoped that the agreement reached in this FGD can be realized in the near future.
